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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Sohip Farmer Updates

Here is where we share our journey, our mission and our passion as a family owned small-scale regenerative farm in Lorne, NSW, Australia

Local Farmer Spotlight - A Pumpkin 70 Years in the Making!!

Local Farmer Spotlight - A Pumpkin 70 Years in the Making!!

The Lambert family have been farming for nearly a century! Over the last 70 year they have nurtured the Lambert Dry pumpkin to grow in size and colours through the help of bees pollinating and propagating. From humble beginnings The Lambert Dry is a pumpkin we don’t come across every day...
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When Should You Eat Broccoli?? Does it even matter?!

When Should You Eat Broccoli?? Does it even matter?!

This powerhouse veggie is a staple and high in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium. But eating broccoli too late can mean a tremendous difference in nutrients! Some veg such as sweet potatoes, squash, even fruit such as tomatoes and berries increase in flavour and become vitamin rich. This is certainly not the case with broccoli...
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