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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Sohip Farmer Updates

Here is where we share our journey, our mission and our passion as a family owned small-scale regenerative farm in Lorne, NSW, Australia

It’s Time To Brace Ourselves And Prepare For The Deluge Ahead

It’s Time To Brace Ourselves And Prepare For The Deluge Ahead

It’s time to brace ourselves and prepare for the deluge ahead. By the time you read this, Cyclone Alfred will have made landfall. The extent of its impact remains uncertain, but I sincerely hope that no lives are lost—property can be rebuilt, but lives are irreplaceable. It looks like we may be spared the worst of the wind, but heavy rain and potential flooding could still reach our region. While not as extreme, it’s hard to forget that this time last year, we had more than our fair share of wet weather. I don’t like to sound like a complaining farmer, but this is the worst possible time for excessive rain.

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The Importance Of Kind And Honest Feedback

The Importance Of Kind And Honest Feedback

This week I want to share with you all the importance of kind and honest feedback. Your feedback is an integral part of our business, without it we wont be able to learn from our mistakes and get better at what we do. I see you all as part of our business, you're not customers, you're Sohip community members and play a vital role in how your food is grown, how the land is treated and how the people growing the food are treated also. The below is a series of emails between Emily and one of our community members. It demonstrates the trust, the honesty and the kindness that will move us forward, make us stronger and enable us to achieve our goals of healthier food, healthier land and a healthier future.

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How Can The Customer Know What They Want If They Can't Hear The Music Of Our Land Slowly Disappearing?

How Can The Customer Know What They Want If They Can't Hear The Music Of Our Land Slowly Disappearing?

The food on our plate is the entire world staring back at us. I’m one of the lucky ones, thanks to you I get to listen to sounds from long ago, I get to feel the fragile beauty of the interconnected world that surrounds me. But whether I like to admit it or not, this way of life is slowly dying. There was a time, when all of the land we tended to, sang to us. Bird song filled the still morning air with a mix of sweet and gentle melodies. Soon afterwards the hum of insects beginning their patrol and then the rustling of leaves beneath the feet of curious creatures rummaging through the forest. Beneath the feet of the farmer the soil pulsed with the quiet rhythm of nature, and those who tended it did so with reverence. They knew the land not as a resource to be exploited, but as a living, breathing thing—a partner in the sacred act of feeding the world.

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Sharing Our Current Situation, And Why We Are Opening To Newcastle This Year

Sharing Our Current Situation, And Why We Are Opening To Newcastle This Year

I want to share with you our current situation. I have always valued having an honest relationship with you, one in which I share the good, the bad and the beautiful. But before I do, I want you to know, you must not feel like you're not already doing enough. Because you are doing enough, your support, your love and loyalty, is helping us change the food system for the better. If this model is successful, I believe everyone and everything that the food system touches will stand to benefit. If you missed a newsletter or two, let me bring you up to speed. Myself and my family currently receive government support of $720 per week for each couple (myself and wife Emily, plus Mum and Dad). This government support is called ‘Farm Household Assist’, which is an allowance supporting many small to medium family farms struggling to survive the relentless pursuit of lowest cost forced by supermarket monopolies and the increasingly frequent damage caused by floods and droughts...

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This Farmers Thoughts And  Reflection After Another Week

This Farmers Thoughts And Reflection After Another Week

It's easy to forget why we are all involved in this. Some of us try to convince ourselves it's about saving the planet, some of us force ourselves to believe that without organic farming, our human and planetary health will continue to be destroyed. We create narratives around community and connection, the importance of holding onto a way of life that seems to be slipping away. What do you tell yourself when you spend the extra money to buy our vegetables? How would you explain it to someone who couldn't possibly understand why on earth you would pay more for your food, when you can get it somewhere else cheaper? Do you know anyone like that? Is he sitting next to you as you read this? Hahaha, I'm poking fun, I know only too well, because I was that husband who questioned my wife when we were paying more money for something I didn't believe in or understand.

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Farming, Feral Animals And Trying To Get Along With The Native Animal Residents

Farming, Feral Animals And Trying To Get Along With The Native Animal Residents

It’s Monday afternoon 13th and I have just finished ordering the first batch of vegetable seeds for our Autumn veggies. I spent the weekend planning out which crops to grow and procrastinated endlessly over what veggies we should stick to and what veggies we need to let go of after too many failed attempts. We will need to start seeding our Autumn crops before the end of this month if they are to be ready for transplanting come March. The seasons sneak up on you so quickly when you're a farmer, and timing in farming is everything.

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Meet The Team Of Legends Who Help Grow, Harvest, Pack + Deliver Your Veg!

Meet The Team Of Legends Who Help Grow, Harvest, Pack + Deliver Your Veg!

2025 HERE WE COME! I hope you’ve all had a joyful Christmas with family and friends. I hope you’ve all put on a few kilos, after stuffing yourself daily for the last couple of weeks. I know my pants are feeling a lot tighter than they were before Christmas. We’ve been meaning to do this for some time...so at long last, we’d love you to meet and get to know some of the awesome people who have joined our Sohip team!

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Bovaer And What It Tells Us About The World We Live In?

Bovaer And What It Tells Us About The World We Live In?

You have probably heard by now about the latest biotechnology being added to cattle feed, both for beef and dairy production. If you haven’t, you have clearly disconnected yourself from the incessant stream of media pouring out of that little screen in your pocket. To no one's surprise but the companies using it, this new technology now being used to produce meat sold by Coles went viral not only here in Australia but also overseas.  Boaver is a synthetic feed additive designed to reduce methane emissions in cattle by altering their natural digestive processes. It works by blocking the enzyme responsible for producing methane (sounds harmless). Now there are loads of people online (most of them without any real evidence) stating that this product is NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Truth is, we don’t bloody know, and we won’t know until enough animals and humans have died in such a way that we can link their deaths unequivocally with Bovaer.

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Sometimes I Doubt What We Are Doing... Is Mass Scale Organic Farming Our Only Future?

Sometimes I Doubt What We Are Doing... Is Mass Scale Organic Farming Our Only Future?

Sometimes I doubt what we are doing, I watch footage online of some very large mechanised farms producing organic veggies in a way that just doesn’t inspire me. Which makes me feel very confused, why should I condemn the mass scale industrialisation of organic farming, when I strongly believe the removal of chemicals from our food system is undoubtedly better for the environment and human health. I can see a future where the ‘Get Big or Get Out’ mentality that destroyed and continues to destroy untold numbers of smaller family farms, will inevitably pervade the organic farming community (It has already begun). Where too then for my family when the price of organic food only allows large industrialised farms to participate. Do we step onto that treadmill of aggressive and unrelenting competition? Do we chain ourselves to the wheel of efficiency and lowest cost?
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I  Love The Beach In Summer,  But Dread Growing Vegetables

I Love The Beach In Summer, But Dread Growing Vegetables

I hate admitting it, but though I love the beach in summer, I dread growing vegetables during the warmer months. I’m really trying hard to get along with nature's unpredictable mood swings this time of year. To be fair she has been quite forgiving so far, but the wet weather has been too much. I can feel the weeds growing around my ears and the almost unstoppable Cluster Caterpillars have arrived like the Spanish Amada during its attempted invasion of England in 1588. Flea beetles are multiplying faster than the mosquitoes buzzing around our face every time we open the doors. Most of the green leafed veg are looking like they’ve been used for target practice by someone wielding a shotgun.
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EVENT: ‘Know Your Food, Know Your Farmer’ evening at Sohip Farm

EVENT: ‘Know Your Food, Know Your Farmer’ evening at Sohip Farm

What started with a phone call from a young man looking for a new adventure roughly 8 months ago, has grown into a close friendship and a new family member. You may have seen his face on our socials during harvest or when we were building the coolroom, or maybe you've tried out one of his simple yet delicious recipes? His name is Lochie and he has joined our family here on the farm with his dog Vinnie and hopefully very soon his partner Liana. This introduction is clearly late, but in order to give credit where it is due, Lochie’s passion for all things connected to a love of good food has inspired our latest Sohip event. At first his idea was to hold a small dinner party with friends and family, where he would cook a delicious meal for everyone to enjoy, with produce from our farm and the farms that surround us. But there was a deeper desire to hold something bigger, but that wouldn't add too much pressure to what is already a busy time of year for us farmers (Spring).
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Organic Farming Is Being Slowly Hijacked By ‘Big Ag’

Organic Farming Is Being Slowly Hijacked By ‘Big Ag’

That's right, the large scale corporate owned farms are starting to move into organic farming based upon growing consumer demand. What started out as a bunch of hippies that most would roll their eyes at is now becoming more mainstream. Thanks in part to the growing concern of chemicals used in farming (including GMO) and the health implications being more frequently exposed. Demand for organically grown food is increasing and where there's money to be made, you can be sure big business will be knocking at the door. But money drives the wrong incentive, it drives the lowest cost and disregards flavour. Organic farming is all about flavour, because this is our tongue telling us the thing we are biting into is healthy and full of nutrients...
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