Bok Choy Can Be Used Beyond The Good Old Stir-Fry!

The beautiful boy choy is packed full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It fights inflammation, lowers the risk of heart disease, promotes bone health, protects eye health, boosts immune health, keeps skin healthy and help during pregnancy.
And is not just good it stir fries!
- ROASTED - bit of salt n pepper, good oil and whack in oven at 200 for about 20mins or until the leaves start to brown,
- LIKE CELERY - yep! use this beauty like you would celery,
- IN AN OMELETTE - they are AMAZING chopped up and in an omelette!
- IN SOUPS - their delicious steams will hold up to the heat, making them perfect in soups,
- FRESH IN SALADS! - yes they are normally cooked... but give them a go in your next salad, they are so good chopped up and raw, especially the baby leaves!
You can even make your own bok choy sauerkraut using the white stems, grill it, use the leaves in a sandwich, the list really does go on!
Happy Hacking!

Really appreciate these ideas for Bokk Choy