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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Tatsoi (Great Substitute for Baby Spinach) - Sohip Farm


We're now growing Tatsoi on the Sohip Farm! It’s a Must Try!!

Tatsoi is a good source of vitamins A and C to boost the immune system, protect the cells against free radical damage, and reduce inflammation. The greens are also a good source of potassium to balance fluid levels within the body, calcium to strengthen bones and teeth, and provide some folic acid, iron, and antioxidants. In addition to vitamins and minerals, Tatsoi contains glucosinolates. These natural compounds are believed to create metabolites that help activate reactions within the body to potentially protect against diseases that damage cells.

Tatsoi is versatile green with a mild, subtly tangy flavor well suited for raw or lightly cooked applications. Young leaves are often favored for mixed salads and are an excellent accompaniment to other greens such as spinach, arugula, watercress, pea tendrils, and mizuna. Tatsoi can also be layered into sandwiches, torn and used as a topping over pizza and tacos, or blended into pesto as a unique variation. The crisp greens can be incorporated as a substitute in recipes for bok choy, and when young, the tender leaves can be used in place of spinach. Tatsoi is also frequently utilized in lightly cooked preparations, including stir-frying, sautéing, steaming, and braising. The leaves and stems can be chopped and baked into quiche, stir-fried with other vegetables as a side dish, sauteed as a bed of greens for fish, wilted with warm sauces or dressings for a softer consistency, or mixed into soups just before serving.