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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Micro Greens -Women’s Health Mix - Locally Sourced (Petal & Sprout Farm)


At Petal & Sprout Farm all of our produce is grown Organically. We use No Pesticides and use Non-GMO, so that when we supply our customers with our products we know we are giving you a quality, nutrient dense product that we are proud of.

Women’s Health Mix Contains: Micro Broccoli, Fenugreek, Sunflower Shoots, Kohlrabi and lovingly decorated with Edible Flower Confetti

Did you know that Fenugreek is said to have several health benefits, particularly for women, such as increasing breast milk production, relieving menstrual cramps, and increasing sex drive. It also manages blood sugar levels and body weight.
All of our Packaging is made from PLA and is Recyclable