Meet The Team Of Legends Who Help Grow, Harvest, Pack + Deliver Your Veg!
G'Day Folks,
I hope you’ve all had a joyful Christmas with family and friends. I hope you’ve all put on a few kilos, after stuffing yourself daily for the last couple of weeks. I know my pants are feeling a lot tighter than they were before Christmas.
Coming back to the farm after our first holiday since we started this farming venture, made us realise how far we have come and how much we love what we do. As soon as we were back we started getting messages and phone calls from you all and it was so nice to know that our veggies had been missed over the past couple of weeks. It really does feel like you are all our extended family, to feel that bond is very special and we value it immensely.
We’ve been meaning to do this for some at long last, we’d love you to meet and get to know some of the awesome people who have joined our Sohip team!

Most of you by now already know the family, there’s Mum and Dad (Scott and Sharon), Son and Sister (James amd Kristy), Wife of Son (the outrageously sexy Emily ) and then there’s the legends that Sohip wouldn’t function without.
Let me give you a brief introduction them to you all…. I intend on sharing the rest of there story with you over the coming months, they are all so interesting!
Lochie - joined the Sohip tribe at the beginning of 2024 after a trip around Italy doing a bit of hiking, lots of eating and dare I say it, dabbling heavily in some soul searching.….arrived back in Oz, rang a complete stranger and within a couple of weeks was living in the old dairy on our farm.
Nathan - an absolute foodie, brilliant cook and nature enthusiast. Nathan has been with us from almost the very beginning. What started as a weekly order of veg, in the initial days on our farm, has grown into a very close bond. Nathan has become part of our family and his loyalty to our family and farming mission has never wavered.
Aaron - When Aaron’s not raising his organic and byodynamic pigs, or running around after his kids, he is delivering your veg boxes. With an appreciation for what it takes to grow good food, Aaron and his family have been part of a small group who have supported our family farm from the moment we first harvest a vegetable. We wouldn’t be here today without them!
Sarah - growing amazing mushrooms and selling them at local markets, the local council decided a DA was required for her to continue. With the DA fee being too large, Sarah decided to call it quits. What the local community lost from this we certainly gained. Sarah is a gardening and food lover who also has a deep appreciation for food grown ethically and without chemicals. A gun packer and someone who isn’t worried about hanging shit on Dad, Sarah is integral to the team!
Last but not least…. There is Steve (aka Stevie boy) if you have had the pleasure of meeting Steve at your doorstep with your veggies. You will know 2 things, he loves a chat and even more so he loves a laugh. Himself and his partner also took out the dance awards at our last Sohip celebration on the farm, he certainly can wiggle the hips. Steve is the salt of the earth and how bright smile and joyful demeanour always brightens up our day, we are so lucky to have him part of the team!
We all wish you all the best for another beautiful year of good food and connection with your farmers in 2025. We have lots planned for this year and we can’t wait to share it with you all!
Thank YOU for joining us on this epic journey & supporting Your local farmer!