I hate admitting it, but though I love the beach in summer, I dread growing vegetables during the warmer months. I’m really trying hard to get along with nature's unpredictable mood swings this time of year. To be fair she has been quite forgiving so far, but the wet weather has been too much. I can feel the weeds growing around my ears and the almost unstoppable Cluster Caterpillars have arrived like the Spanish Amada during its attempted invasion of England in 1588. Flea beetles are multiplying faster than the mosquitoes buzzing around our face every time we open the doors. Most of the green leafed veg are looking like they’ve been used for target practice by someone wielding a shotgun.
Posted on November 26, 2024
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That's right, the large scale corporate owned farms are starting to move into organic farming based upon growing consumer demand. What started out as a bunch of hippies that most would roll their eyes at is now becoming more mainstream. Thanks in part to the growing concern of chemicals used in farming (including GMO) and the health implications being more frequently exposed. Demand for organically grown food is increasing and where there's money to be made, you can be sure big business will be knocking at the door. But money drives the wrong incentive, it drives the lowest cost and disregards flavour. Organic farming is all about flavour, because this is our tongue telling us the thing we are biting into is healthy and full of nutrients...
Posted on November 05, 2024
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I was asked by a friend, why did you choose to farm organically. I had never asked myself that question, but upon thinking of my response, I realised that I would not have chosen organic farming in my mid to late twenties. I would have farmed with chemicals, because all I was focused on back then was pure production and efficiency. Now after pondering that question, it was a subconscious choice, that only could have occurred after receiving 3 of my greatest gifts; finding the love of my life, bringing 3 wonderful girls into this world, and spending quite a few year of introspection finding out what really mattered to me...
Posted on November 01, 2024
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Spring is in full swing here on the farm, nature's symphony of Springtime sounds are reaching their summit. We have left the fields that surround our vegetables grow tall, allowing each unique plant to blossom. A walk around our farm in the afternoon, as the sun falls slowly behind leaves rustling softly with the final breath of the day's stiff southerlies. Reveals the stunning array of colours and contrasts that only an evening sun can induce. Spring is so alive with energy, if you sit quietly, watch and listen, it’s as if each little patch of nature you zoom into is like a small bustling city. As I crawl around on my knees, turning over patches of mulch, I enter another city bustling like Times Square at peak hour. I spend so long rummaging through the clover and grasses, once I finally look up, I realise the insects and birds have become slightly less wary and are now going about their business surrounding me on all sides...
Posted on October 23, 2024
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