Natures Unsung Heroes
G'Day Folks,
Spring is in full swing here on the farm, nature's symphony of Springtime sounds are reaching their summit. We have left the fields that surround our vegetables grow tall, allowing each unique plant to blossom. A walk around our farm in the afternoon, as the sun falls slowly behind leaves rustling softly with the final breath of the day's stiff southerlies. Reveals the stunning array of colours and contrasts that only an evening sun can induce.
Spring is so alive with energy, if you sit quietly, watch and listen, it’s as if each little patch of nature you zoom into is like a small bustling city. As I crawl around on my knees, turning over patches of mulch, I enter another city bustling like Times Square at peak hour. I spend so long rummaging through the clover and grasses, once I finally look up, I realise the insects and birds have become slightly less wary and are now going about their business surrounding me on all sides.

These citizens work tirelessly to keep us alive, night and day they unlock the secrets that make life on this big beautiful planet possible. They do it without even a thankyou, they do it despite us turning our backs on them for far too long.

We have farmed this land for over 5yrs now, and have watched it slowly come back to life. As the soil has regained its strength, so has all that rests upon it. Including myself and my family. Physically, mentally and spiritually this land has brought the very best out of us individually and collectively.

Your food came from all of life’s weird and wonderful creatures. And it was grown with a heck of a lot of love from all of them.